Euroma2 5km race 2015

The Euroma2 5km race was held on sunday (1st March) and like almost every year i decided to take part. I had picked up my racing top and bib the morning before and was quite surprised to see how orange the race tops were!


Sunday morning i was up early to get ready to head to the metro to Palasport EUR to meet up with my friend Jenny and her son.

It was a lovely sunny day although a little chilly at 8am as i caught the metro with a few other runners. Like normal the RomaOstia half Marathon was being held first before the 5km race started.

So i saw quite a few other runners on the metro heading for the longer race as well as other 5km runners.

By the time i reached Palasport EUR it had started to warm up and i found a lot more runners. I followed the stream of runners and walkers across the bridge and up a hill to where the start line was held.


There was already a huge queue for the port-o-loo’s but the same as last year i knew where the automatic toilet was hidden. And although i had to pay 1 euro to use it there were only a few people waiting to use it.

This is a life saver if your desperate and avoids waiting for ages and also alot cleaner as it automatically cleans itself after each use.

Soon i walked to the obelisk statue where Jenny and her son where waiting to meet me. We were all very excited as this was the first race her 7 year old son had ever run!



He was very excited bouncing about and telling us we should run the 21km Half Marathon instead of the 5km which made us laugh!

All we could see was a sea of orange tops once all of the Half Marathoner’s had started their race and we were waiting for the 5km to start.

Suddenly we were off and the wave of orange moved forwards as we all jogged slowly over the start line. We waved at people taking photo’s and chatted away as we all began to run a little faster.



I had to admit both me and Jenny thought her son would get tired really quickly as he started the race pretty fast. But to our surprise he kept going steady for a good mile before he walked for a few minutes before starting to run again.

During the little walking bit he had lots of water before running off again wanting to keep ahead of us and a few others. A mile and half in he started to ask how far we had to go as being 7 years old 5km’s is a long way when your that age.

We told him we didn’t have far to go and kept encouraging him to keep going although we didn’t have to worry as he kept running.

I was surprised to see quite a few others behind us and realised we were doing a really good pace. It was such a lovely day and by now quite warm and the time seemed to be flying by.

Soon we could see the top of the EUR2 shopping mall and pointing it out we knew we didn’t have far to go.

We did slow down a little but with shouts of encouragement from eachother we were soon running again wanting to cross the finish line.

We high five’d another runner we had been chatting to on the last loop as he passed us and then it was up hill a little.

Jenny and her son crossed the finish line first with me behind them as a few people cheered us across.

Her son was given his shiny medal and he had a big happy smile as we both also received our finisher’s medals to! Then heading to the goodie bag area we were given bags with a chocolate cereal bar inside, an apple, juice, milk and a bottle of water.


I have to say i was really proud of him just like his Mummy as he did really well and we managed to run the 5km in 42 minutes!

I had honestly thought he would get tired and walk most of it but he had stuck to the running and done an amazing time with us for his first 5km!

This had to be the most enjoyable Euroma2 5km i have run so far and i think it was the fact that my friend and her son ran to. It’s always nicer to have a friend when you run and seeing her son run to and enjoy it really made my day.

And i cannot wait until my little Miss Peanut will be big enough to run it with me to some way and see her excitment.

But for now i know i have unfinished business with the RomaOstia Half Marathon as i haven’t had a chance to run yet.

It’s still on my to-do list and either next year or the year after i am determined to run it thats for sure!





EurRoma2 5km Race

I was up early today (2nd March) as i was going to run the EurRoma2 5km race! This race is held just after the RomaOstia Half Marathon runners leave. I had several friends running the Half Marathon again this year and was hoping to see them before the race began.

I was kinda excited and felt slightly prepared after doing and still doing the C5K training app. As i had mentioned before i did this race back in 2012 so i know the route of the race already.

I had prepared all my things for the race on saturday, pinning my bib number to my race top, making sure my ipod was charged as well as my Garmin, packing tissues for my cold. I also made sure i had a warmer top under my running top as it was forecast to rain as well as a waterproof running coat and my zippy running jumper. wpid-IMG_20140302_073920.jpg

So this morning i kissed Peanut and Alex (who was a bit nervous about being left with Peanut for so long but he did a wonderful job just like the good father that he is) goodbye i headed off to get the metro to the stop i would need which was EUR Fermi. The good thing about the metro near us now is i didnt have to change i could just sit on the metro until i reached that stop. Luckily i found plenty of other runners on the metro and getting off at the same stop so it was easy to just follow them to the start line. All i needed to do was have a bit of a walk to the start area but there were plenty of people doing this to.

I had bought a large bottle of water with me as i hadnt been able to drink much when i woke up and so thought drinking it on the way would be a good idea. By the time i reached the portoloo’s my bladder was ready to explode and i was desperate for the loo but of course i found a thousand other runners in queue for the toilets.

Having a quick look around i found a public toilet where you had to pay 1 euro to enter and there were only 4 people in the queue. Dashing over i quickly joined them and soon a few of them left as we heard that the first wave of the Half Marathoner’s was about to leave. This of course got me into the toilet so much quicker were i made my bladder much happier.

After this i headed over to the zumba warm up area to see if i could find my friends but apparently they had already been herded into the start area with the other long distance runners.

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So i headed to the start of the 5km race which was just behind the Half Marathon start with all the other 5ker’s in our lovely neon shirts. I do really like my shirt i love them nice and bright!

I kept worrying it was going to rain and i have to admit on the way there i did wonder if i should just turn around and go home again but i didnt.

Anyway the Half Marathoner’s were all suddenly on there way and then the shout went up and my race began. I did have a moment of panic as i crossed the start line as i suddenly found i needed some structure to the run. So grabbing my ipod i changed from just music to putting on the C5K app on week 3 day 3 and felt alot better.


There were a lot of runners, run/walkers and just plain walkers so i felt comfortable run/walking the Whole race as i wasnt alone. The app got me through the first 2 miles and then i was just happy to run/walk the rest of the way. It did rain a tiny bit but not much it was more the cold i didnt like as it was a cold that penetrated clothing which wasnt nice. But i did get nice hot and sweaty doing the run parts of the app so that was ok.

As i reached the finish line i was happy to realise i had been in the middle part of the run/walkers and was not last woohoo. Not that it mattered as i was just happy to finish the Whole 5km race. Heading past the finish line i was handed a lovely shiny medal and a bag with a little cake inside, bottle of water, apple, milk and a yoghurt drink.


I was so happy i couldnt believe it finishing the race was Amazing 🙂 I love my medal and it looks so nice on my wall with my other shinnies! 🙂

I did check my times of the race and i finished it in 44 minutes which isnt bad as i have only been running again for a month and a half after not running for more than a year and having a baby.

Week 3 C5K and 5K Race pack pick up

So i have the all clear from the Osteopath to start running again so started week 3 of C5K.

Monday – i went out to re-do day 1 of week 3 C5K. Its much more lighter in the evenings now so i actually got to do my Whole run while there was light which was lovely! The run was good although i realised i should have stretched more when my calf muscles on both legs started to get tight which hurt a little. But all in all the run was good and apart from that i enjoyed it.

Wednesday – It was day 2 of week 3 C5K and i was happy to get outside even though it was raining lightly. The run went well i did stretch properly this time and i had no problems with the longer runs bits. Did feel a slight tightening of the calfs at the end but i think there just still getting used to getting back to running.

Friday – I didnt run today as i ended up doing about 3 miles in powerwalking! Alex was off ill so i was able to head out and meet my friend Jenny so we could pick up our race packs. She’s doing the RomaOstia Half Marathon and im doing the 5km race which starts just after it on sunday morning.


It was nice to have a look at the little race expo there togeather as we collected our race numbers and shirts and as its the first day its open there was barely anyone there. I really like the Yellow/green neon top i have for the race and i ended up getting it in large as i will probably wear things under it.


My friend Jenny bought me a late bday present which was two very cute t-shirts with running quotes on them which i love to bits! We had fun roaming round the stalls and chatting before heading off for a lunch which i treated us both to.




I cant wait for sunday now as i saw the medal i will get at the end of the race and its really nice with a blue and black ribbon and will look nice on my wall! I just hope it doesnt rain that day.

Signed up for Euroma2 5km Race!

So i just did something a little crazy ……i signed up for the Euroma2 5km race on the 2nd March! Im hoping my back is completely recovered now im running/walking again and feel fine so far.

I did this 5km race back in 2012 so i know the course and you get nice shiny medal, a t-shirt i wore on race day and a goodie bag with food at the end which was pretty nice for a goodie bag.

So for my first race for 2014 i think this could be pretty good and exciting woohoo! 🙂

I dont need a Doctors certificate for this race as well so no mucking about with that thank goodness!

I have signed up online and paid the 10 euros but will have to go at some point to pick up my bib and race top closer to the race day.The place is easy to get to on the metro so theres no problem there.


My friend Jenny who is going to run the RomaOstia Half Marathon on the same day has suggested we go togeather to pick up our packs as it will be the same place! So that will be fun plus we can check out the running expo which will be there.

Usually its all running shoes, clothes, running groups, massages and advertising other races over Italy over the year. So i will probably collect all the leaflets and have a look through to see if there are any races which look fun and interest me.

So just less than 7 weeks and counting until this 5km race! I should be on the last few weeks on the C5K running app by then as well.

I can’t wait!


by Rochelle Del Borrello


Training for my first half marathon

The Scribbler

The life and times of a writer, runner and triathlete