Bloody Cheek!

I have managed to make the pain in my left butt cheek worse! Its no joke 😦 its annoying!

The walk yesterday made it ache more in a dull pain kind of way and even a little stiff.

Then last night on the way back to the house from having pizza i stumbled on the pavement and landed heavily on my left foot for balance and had the shooting pain in my butt cheek. It was quite intense and i screwed my face up in pain, the pain was like a brief flash then gone. And i limped inside with a dull ache of pain instead.

BF spent half an hour trying to workout where the pain was with prodding and poking. The area doesnt hurt if you touch it the pain seems to be deep inside…which is why he began to wonder if it could be the nerve or hip maybe.

But i stuck my leg out to the side and then back behind me in a yoga like pose and there was no pain! It just seems to be pain from very sudden movements or if i landed heavily on that side. So BF said it does sound more like a strain/muscle.

I have promised not to run for a whole week and see if its any better then……. i need this to get better i have a race in 5 weeks time i really want to do 😦

So im going to focus on upper body this week so i need to think of some workouts that arent just my weights or i will get bored.

I already know my hip is out of alignment but its always been like that since i can remember! I have even been told i run funny with my left foot pointing out sideways which isnt normal. But i have run for over a year & half with no real problems from this!

But i will have to get it looked at after the wedding especially if im thinking about Half Marathons!

So now im feeling down that i can’t run next week and a bit scared that what if this pain leads to be not being able to run ever again! What if im told im damaging myself and can never run again? As BF keeps telling me i could injure myself permantly etc etc 😦

Its actually really scary though….would would i do with myself? i have actually come to love my running…my races….i think i would cry!

Walk in the sunshine :)

Ok just want to say i am a stable 57kgs now YAY!! I was last week bouncing back to 58kg’s then down to 57kgs again but this week i seem to be staying the lesser weight! Which is making me very happy lol

Im still resting my sprained muscle as it keeps twinging so yesterday i barely did any exercise went for a 20min walk outside and just did my planks and v-up’s and of course all the house cleaning!

Today i was restless and decided i didnt want to risk running but i could still go for a walk around the big park to burn off some energy!

I packed some water and put on some music and off i set.

The park was lovely full of sunshine and people walking/running! I really just fell into listening to my music and occasionally looking at my Garmin to see how i was doing. I managed a nice 5 mile walk! burning off 364 calories 🙂 not bad at all!

I even rescued 3 beetles from being crushed on the walking path they had wandered onto and they were much happier on the grass they were heading for! My good deed for the day lol

So now i just need to do my v-ups and my second plank of the day!

I have also started doing a side plank called ‘threading the needle’ its a hard one but apparently very affective!


Im still resting my strained muscle so havent done much exercise today apart from a short walk and cleaning the house! Its feeling better than yesterday but i still want to make sure its completely better before running again.

So i was talking to a runner on twitter and hes doing a Spartan race in October called the Beast! Its an obstacle run where you run through mud  etc 12 miles long and i have to say it looks AWESOME!!

So i was looking at there website and found the basic one you can start with called Spartan Sprint! Its a 5km race with lots of Obstacles! And its on the 16th October in London!

Im already going to do the Shock Absorber womens 10k on the 20th October so i was thinking maybe just maybe i could take part in this to!

And if i like it then maybe once a year i could progress and do the harder ones! It looks much more challenging than a normal race! and would be an awesome achievement!!

So i might sign up for it next weekend or from the look of the website you can sign up on the day as well! So i have some options if i want to take part!

Day 28 Marchathon

I know i know im slacking on alot of days on Marchathon….but at least im still doing walking on them! lol

Today i woke up with that feeling that i didnt want to run but i convinced myself as im only running 3 days this week it was better to go do it!

I was going to run to the big park as that always makes me happy seeing the other runners and people. But in the first minute of my run i got a stabbing painful pain in my left butt cheek OMG it hurt like hell!!

So i decided to stick with the little park run as it was closer to the house if i needed to limp home at some point.

My butt hurt alot on and off during the whole run, after a mile and half the back of my left thigh (on the same leg) began to hurt to!! I felt like i was falling apart lol So i ran as much as i could and did a little bit of walking when it hurt to much.

I wanted to run further but i decided managing 3 miles was the safest thing to do rather than push it and hurt my butt and thigh worse!

Got home feeling hot sweaty, dizzy and slightly sick and now im just hungry and thirsty lol

Im still sticking to myfitnesspal website and being really good with my calorie counting!

And yesterday i finally found some shoes for my wedding which is in 4 weeks exactly from today!! Getting really excited i cant wait!

My friend who is going to run the Suffolk Coast 6 mile run with me managed to strain his achilies and hes now on crutches and has to ice it! Im hoping he will be alright for the race in 5 weeks! if not looks like i might be running it alone! But it will be worth it for the medal and bacon roll at the end! lol

Day’s 24, 25 & 26 Marchathon :)

Saturday i didnt go running we went to pick up Alex’s wedding suit as it had to be altered and also i didnt sleep very well friday night so saturday i was a bit zombie like and had to go for a long nap in the afternoon so there was no way i was running lol

Sunday me and Alex went for a 3 mile walk! To some bookshops! we did have macdonalds for lunch but i tried to stick to healthier/less calories options and we had a small dinner in the evening. Really enjoyed my walk with Alex and hoping to get him out there again on the weekends walking about!

Run today was very good! Sun shining again blue sky but theres a bit of a cooling breeze which is nice so i didnt over heat! There cutting the trees the other end of the path today so i decided to go run in the big park & im glad i did! So many people out walking, enjoying the sun, running! i loved it!

Didnt feel tired running this time i felt great! which just shows you that you need a rest day sometimes!

Hip ached slightly on second miles but then stopped,  mile 4 and half knee hurt a little but apart from that i felt fine! 😀 I did 5 and half miles today although i noticed my pace started off fast (split miles) i started to get slower miles towards the end of the run lol but thats normal!

Thinking of going for another long run friday as well & maybe a 5km on wednesday! we shall see! 😀

Im down to 57.9kgs!!!! yippieeee!! i have never been below 58kgs something EVER!!! so its finally shifting the last kg i needed to move!! yay!

So the sticking the the calorie counting & not eating out very much is working! Im cooking healthy dinners with lots of veggies!

And i think the cardio/tonning stability ball workout im doing is helping!

Also i have my planking down to 1min 20 secs!! im getting better at it! And Alex even said yesterday he could see faint muscles in my abs area!!!

Im feeling so strong and awesome right now! I really cant believe i have got this far from where i was before!! Its amazing what a bit of willpower and determination can do! if you really start to believe in yourself and that you have no limits!

Day 23 Marchathon – walk

So as i said yesterday i decided not to run today but have a walk instead!

So this morning i was up and cleaning the house for a few hours so i could go for the care-free walk in the afternoon. As you can see from the pic they are still trimming the trees! lol

The path i followed was my new running route! 2 miles one way so 4 miles there and back!

This is the graffetti bridge i kept mentioning lol the sun was shining and it was lovely and warm, quite a few people walking there dogs, walking, running and biking!

You know its spring time with all the flowers everywhere! I kept seeing little lizards running across the path but they were to fast to get a photo 😦 

I found this shark graffetti which i thought was quite cool!

So i really enjoyed my long walk rather than running today. I think its good to do something different some times…mix things up.

I did 2 x plank today both 1 min’s! which im quite proud of as i have been told its really good! So im going to plank a day!

Another thing im doing everyday is my v-up’s!

Also today i did 40 mins of cardio/tonning stability ball workout which was alot of fun!

Im really starting to see more changes in my lower half! less of a muffin top which is making me happy! I will really be proud of myself if i can get it flatter and more tonned!

Im back on my fitnesspal website as i know i have been slacking with my calories lately! so im aiming to lose 1 lb and a half a week and see how that goes!

5 more weeks til my wedding! and i cant believe it!!!! its going so quick now! I tried my wedding dress on again the other day and my hands were shaking lol It still looks lovely and i cant wait to wear it!

We still need to sort out rings, Alex is picking up his suit etc tomorrow and we need to talk to the place we are having the lunch after the ceremony and then we will be completely ready!

Im quite looking forwards to my Hen day as well with my friend Jess and Marina! I think it will be alot of fun and we can have a good laugh and some cocktails! 😀



Day 22 Marchathon

This morning i was all happy and bouncy to be going out to do a 5km run 😀

Sun was shining in a blue sky and its warming up here 20c again! which is nice but uncomfortable when your sweaty & hot already from running!

Anyway there still cutting down tree branches in the park so i did what i did yesterday and went to the end of my new running route 🙂

I started running & after 1 mile started to find i didnt have alot of energy at all! I kept needing to walk a bit before carrying on. I also seemed to have flem in the back of my throat which wouldnt go away & made it hard to breath at a few points!

I was really disappointed and not sure why i wasnt doing well this week with my runs?!

So i ended up doing half walking half running my 5km’s… hips felt slightly ache and my knee was uncomfortable by the last mile.

So i walked the last tiny bit and headed home but i found the moment i stopped running i was over come with tiredness i felt like sleeping there and then and it was actually a battle to keep my eyes open while i walked home!

Now im sitting typing this and i still feel really tired! Im going to have a cup of tea & see how i feel after that.

I didnt really carb up last night! dinner was a fried egg some red peppers and a little bit of boiled potatoes so maybe that was the problem??!

Also yesterday i did running, weights, v-up’s, plank, high &tigh workout (30mins) & stability cardio/tonning workout (30mins) but surely i cant be tired from all that? i dont even ache today from doing it! and the only new thing i have added to my workout is the stability ball workout all the others i usually do and have been fine.

Anyway lunch i will have some chicken breast with a little bit of pasta and cheese and see if i feel better from eating that.

Im supposed to be doing my long run tomorrow but im wondering if i should just do a long walk instead!?!

Day 20 & 21 Marchathon

So yesterday i didnt run i was out with my friend all day walking through the streets of Roma window shopping on a mission to find shoes for my wedding! We had no luck finding any that i liked but boy did my feet hurt & feel tired when i got home lol

Im getting upset that i seem to be stuck on 58kgs & sometimes going back up to 59kgs for a day or so then back down to 58kgs! It sucks!

So i have gone back to using My fitness pal website (which i had stopped using) and changed it so i can lose 1 & half lbs a week with it!

I have decided to make my short runs 5km’s now and long run’s 10km’s or over. My aim is to do 2 long runs in the week & 3 short ones!

So my plan is run 5 days a week, do weights twice a week, stability ball twice a week, plank 7 days a week & do V-up’s 7 days a week!

That all should boost my weight loss to get me down to 57-56 kgs!

Todays run! Sun was shining and its 20c here today so its a lovely day for a nice long run 🙂

Got outside noticed there trimming the trees so i couldnt run all the way to the end of the begining of the little path in the little park. So i went as far as i could then carried on following the rest of it.

Its weird but i didnt seem to have much energy today, i couldnt make the pace i had on my last run i was really slow & getting tired quite quickly. Maybe i was still tired from my long walk yesterday!?!? I dont know.

I had planned to try for 7 miles today but i only managed to do 4 miles in the end! but hey its better than nothing!

And i even went right to the end of my new running route! which was 2 miles so 4 miles all togeather there and back 😀

I have also been thinking i really want a bike….i could buy a cheap bike i can chain up outside and then in the summer when its really hot i could just use the bike to keep my fitness up rather than running in the 36c heat or more here!

I might see if i can find one when we come back from the honeymoon in May! i think its a good idea anyway.

So now im going to watch the last episode of ‘the river’ while drinking a cup of tea and munching on the strawberries and mandarin’s i bought on the way home.

Then this afternoon its weights, V-up’s, high & tigh workout and then stability workout! yay!


Day 19 Marchathon

I know i have missed some days on this Marchathon im doing but i guess i didnt realise there would be missed days especially in a whole 31 day month! But im doing my best to keep to as many days as i can running!

So this morning i got up wanting to run because of yesterdays disappointment at the Fun Run.

It was raining a little bit but i wasnt going to let that put me off. I decided to follow my new running route past the graffetti bridge in the little park! the route i found last week!

I started off strong and quite fast my legs & everything felt fine through the entire run. I was really happy running today, i liked the rain on my face and the smell of wet earth and grass as i ran past the alotments! I even saw a green parrot flying about in a low tree! There quite common here and you see them in the parks mostly!

I wasnt sure what distance i was going to do but as i ran i settled in for a 5km run just to stretch my legs. My average pace was 11.04 minutes per mile which is faster than usual for me but it felt good!

When i finished and walked home i found i was a bit wheezy not sure if that was the rain or weather i have a cold or something coming but i seem to be fine now.


Day 17 &18 Marchathon & Roma Fun Run!

Ok yesterday i didnt have time to run! We were really busy sorting out Alex’s wedding suit etc, food shopping, cleaning & going to the pub lol So i didnt get to run at all!

This morning i was up at 6.40am to get ready for the Roma Fun run! I was really looking forwards to it as last year this was my first non offical race lol Basically i had randomly started doing 5k training a few weeks before & was lazy at it. We did the fun run but walked most of it & i remember being tired afterwards so this year i was going to run it all!



Got to the centre in plenty of time but found some roads blocked off so i ended up walking 3 miles just to get to the start line where i could buy my bib & get the race t-shirt. So it was getting close to 9.oo am & start time while i was waiting for Marina & Cart to arrive when they arrived!

We couldnt believe all the people there ready to do the fun run! there were even more people than last year, we could barely move around it was so crowded!

We managed to shuffle forwards it the crush and then it was off time! They played music while we all walked across the start line & thats when the problems started. People pushing forwards trying to get more forwards, no room to run!

I got pushed, kicked & wacked several times which i can tell you was not nice! We tried running and managed for a few minutes at a time then had to stop because there were to many people in front in the way walking (and this was the entire 4km!!!). Other people where rudely running onwards pushing us out the way or shoving.

We noticed there was only 2 bands playing on the route (last year there was 6) and towards the end someone playing music with speakers.

So basically we all got tired of trying to ‘run’ so we ended up walking the 4km! I really had no wish to injure myself on a fun run or get tripped or pushed over.

I was really happy to cross the finish line to be honest and for the walk to end!

We were also disappointed at the freebies we got this year, our bib’s, the t-shirt, some water, gatoraid & some milk! Alot less than last year!

The cost of the run also has gone up from 7 euro’s to 8 euros and we started wondering what we had actually paid for!?!

I doubt i will do this short fun run again, its a lovely atmosphere but not good if you want to run, i know someone else who managed to get to the front and do it in 33 mins but i dont really want to fight through 6 thousand people just to do 4km’s!

So i think im going to stick to proper races from now on 😀

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by Rochelle Del Borrello


Training for my first half marathon

The Scribbler

The life and times of a writer, runner and triathlete