
So yesterday i felt really tired and decided not to run or power walk.

So i did 1 hour weights for my triceps and got all sweaty and then i cleaned the house! That was the extent of my workout out for the day which was a bit poor i guess. But i felt so tired and even went for a 1 and half hour nap in the afternoon as i couldnt keep my eyes open!

So today i woke up with a raging headache and again dont feel 100%…maybe im coming down with something i dont know! :/ So again decided not to run or powerwalk. Im going to just start fresh on monday and give next week 100%!

Im finally signed up for the Race for life Twilight run in Norwich on 5th October and i even have my own sponsor page! now i just have to find someone to sponsor me lol

Powerwalking :)

Woke up this morning and blasted out a 5 mile powerwalk ๐Ÿ™‚ i decided to do more than 4 today so my body doesnt get to used to the distances im doing.

Loved feeling my hips and butt aching from all that fast walking ๐Ÿ˜› so i know its doing something lol

Not doing weights today as arms ache from the pull-ups at the pool yesterday!

So im probably going to do 30mins of stability ball abs work instead!

My sun burn is starting to go brownish as i put lots of cream on it yesterday so i wont look to red yay! right arm though tingles when i have anything against it slightly.

I have decided to just do the Norwich 5k Race for life race in October and not do the womens 10k in London Richmond park…my Dad has had alot of trouble lately with his heart which has really worried me. I hate being so far away when my family are ill…and i only get to see them twice a year.

So i have come to the desicion that i would rather spend those extra days with my family then go to london and do that race. And i dont regret my desicion family comes first than a race or medal.

Also this gives me more time with my sister Rachel who is struggling to jog/run. I spoke to her last saturday and she was sitting in her running clothes so i asked her if she had gone running. She replied no she was going to go but decided not to..she doesnt have the motivation! And really struggles to get out there and do it. So far she seems to be going once every 2 weeks!

So i told her we would run everyday im there togeather mawwhaaa! Hopefully this will give her the kick up the butt she needs to get going! ๐Ÿ˜€

Im Burnt!!

So yesterday i didnt workout because Alex spent the night snoring and i spent the night wide awake! lol So i was knackered by morning and had no motivation to workout!

Saying that i did do 30mins of weights ๐Ÿ˜› so i did do something!

This morning i did a 5km run early and managed to do it 2 mins-ish faster than my one last week which im happy about! Last mile was a struggle and my left hip was slightly achey but fine afterwards.

After that i went to meet my friend Marina to go to the outside pool near her area! We had a lovely 2 hours in the pool chatting and bobbing about it was great! We only realised after we were dressed we had missed the aqua bikes!!! grrr so we vowed next time we would get to do them!

We had lunch in the park and walked around for another hour which was fun! So i managed 2 more miles walking today ๐Ÿ™‚

Got home and discovered IM SUN BURNT!!! I have been so so good putting on sun block everyday i went out this summer because of the temp and heat and today is the one day i forgot!!! So my nose, both arms (right one more burnt) chest and upper back are red and ouchie! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I managed to find some Vitamin E cream in the bathroom and put some on that really helped

I cant believe i was so dumb not to remember to put the sun block on!? what the heck was wrong with me this morning! And the Ironic thing is i had the SUN BLOCK IN MY BAG!! the whole time i was out!!! grrrrr

Lighter weights

Today i didnt go for a run or powerwalk i decided to take a day off for my lower half lol

Instead i spent over an hour cleaning the house before the temp went back up to 36c which would make it unbearable.

Then i hit the weights doing one of the P90X workouts. I have dropped down to two 2kg weights as im doing alot of work on my triceps and there not very strong. So i want to build them up slowly before using heavier weights on them or i could end up hurting myself. So i have been doing loads of reps with the lighter weights.

Im feeling stronger eachtime i do the workoutย with them though so its working ๐Ÿ˜›

Im thinking of starting the Jillian Michaels killer buns & thighs workout on monday as those are my problem areas at the moment so will try that workout for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

Still seeing a difference in my jelly belly each week from the cleaning eating im doing ๐Ÿ˜€ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

5km run & 4 mile power walk

So yesterday i went out in the morning intending to do my powerwalk. But as i got outside i saw a few people running and though sod it im going to run!

So i rushed back inside got changed into running gear and went back out for a run! I decided to do a 5km run and see how i went.

I ran slowly as it was already hotting up and i didnt want to burn out quickly. My legs felt fine and strong probably from the power walking i have been doing ๐Ÿ™‚ I felt sick 4 times while running and had to pause my watch and stop for a minute a few times before carrying on. This was the heat as it was going to be 36c that day and the temp rises quickly in the morning.

I was very happy when i was done and hot! When i got in i found that the temp had gone from 23c to 36c in 30mins!! So i think i will stick to 5km runs until the temp drops again here.

I managed a 5km run in 38mins not bad but i want to get back to around 35mins or under which is my goal.

I did 1 hour of weights then relaxed reading for a while.

Today i did a 4.30 mile power walk in the big park and really went for it. My hands were slightly swollen again but not as bad as the other day!

I really went hard and kept my pace up fast the whole time and when i got home and relaxed my legs felt tired and stiff lol Glad to see my walking is having an effect.

I have decided to do 3 days of 5km runs in the week and 2 or 3 power walks (so 6 days a week) this way i build up different muscles as you use slightly different muscles to walk and run.

Swollen Hands

So this morning i went out in 24c to get my power walk done as i have been slacking the last 5 days!

I decided to stick to the big park about a mile from home rather than go up the other route i did last week as today is going to be very hot and i thought this was safer.

Started my power walk really going for it and 30mins in i noticed my hands were tingling and feeling tight. I kept flexing them and carried on walking. Towards the end of my walk they were really stiff and i took a moment to look at them and realised they were both slightly swollen the left more than the right.

This freaked me out a bit as i dont remember this ever happening before…i got home and soaked them in cold water and then mentioned it on twitter. Several people said it could be the heat & pressure and others said it could be not enough salt or water.

So this relieved me a bit and i started drinking lots of water and had a rest before i did my weights workout.

I did a few abs exercises not very many. Also i decided to start planking again and really suprised myself by holding a plank for 2 minutes and 1 sec! I havent planked in a good month and something so i thought my first one back would suck and not last very long! boy did i suprise myself!

I have found a Twilight run for life event in Norwich on 5th October and my sister has agreed to do it with me! We just have to register and pay for the race!

I plan to arrive in the UK that day at lunchtime then get to my parents as the race isnt until 8pm! ๐Ÿ˜€

Feel crappy

I have had a bad time this last week feeling not myself since wednesday when i felt dizzy and sick after my power walk. That feeling has followed me up until today so 5 days! Which hasnt been nice. I dont think i have been drinking enough water which hasnt helped as its hot here and i should know better.

I was 2 days later with my period and thought i might be pregnant again but then today my period started and started with a vengence! I have had achy hips and lower back since yesterday and today my hips were aching like crazy! I must admit i was disappoint and a bit depressed after getting a bit hopeful that we might be again then it find i was just late ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Then the cramps started and i just kept feeling sick and ended up laying on the bed most of the day ๐Ÿ˜ฆ It was so bad i had to cancel dinner with my friend Marina this evening and im really disappointed about that as i wanted to see her ๐Ÿ˜ฆย  Im still in pain now and just curled up in my chair in the sittingroom.

I am hoping its just ‘first day’ aches and pains i sometimes get as i would like to go for a walk tomorrow.

The temp here is going to be 37c-39c now apparently until the end of August so im not sure how or when im supposed to get back to my running?!?

I have been bad eating wise as i have had pasta and pizza twice this weekend even though im only supposed to have them once a week lol I have cut right back on my carb intake and im wondering if thats making me feel crappy?! I have been very happily focused on eating loads of veggies and protein like eggs, chicken, and minced turkey for every meal and my museli and fruit for breakfast.

my friend Jess has talked me into doing the RomaOstia Half Marathon in Feb 2013 next year…its a 3 hour cut off time for the run but she says we should manage it. I havent ran more than 7 miles before and that was the begining of the year. So im hoping the temp will drop in september so i can start training. I might see if Marina wants to do the Half Marathon to..its something to aim for.


Races for the future…possibly

So wednesday Alex was off as its a long bank holiday here and i managed to drag him out for a 2 and half mile walk! But we also had pizza that night so i was bad.

When i say pizza i mean proper italian pizza all freshly made all fresh produce! So i had a cheese and vegtable pizza which is heaven! Its probably alot healthier than pizza hut etc in the UK which i used to eat lol

Thursday Alex was still off and we basically did no exercise! but i did stick to my healthy clean eating YAY! which can be very hard sometimes when hes home.

This morning Friday i was ready for my power walk and woke up with bad cramps ๐Ÿ˜ฆ this sucked as i had really wanted to get out there but i know i wont make it very far with them. So decided just to rest and re-start on monday.

So then i got to thinking about my next step in my running/races…

At the moment im taking it month by month incase we get pregnant but i know i cant live like that for long as i will want to plan for next year etc lol

So i am looking to do the We Run Rome Nike 10kmย run on 31st Dec 2012!

I have been looking at other races before hand but there all 3km ones for non competitve ๐Ÿ˜ฆ the competitve are all 10km and over! So again i have to think about joining a group/federation and pay money to them to be able to join them.

Sucks i know! wish it was more like the UK races!

I also have my Womens 10km races in Richmond park on 21st October with my friend Hayley which im really looking forwards to!

My thoughts on 2013 for races…i want to do a race for life run with my sister and niece as i didnt get to do it this year!

Also i want to do a half marathon even if i run/walk it.

My ideas for the Half Marathon are.. Bath Half on 3rd March 2013 or Birmingham Half in October 2013 depending on my situation etc.

Failing to get into one of these theres also Cambridge Half in March 2013 or Norwich half in November 2013

And of course any 5km or 10km races i can get into! ๐Ÿ˜€


So this morning i started my day again with a 4.49 mile power walk and boy did i ache! My bum and hips muscles were aching after that as i really pushed myself to walk fast even up the hills!

So today was the last day of me feeding the friends cats! So tomorrow morning im going to run instead ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully all the power walking will benefit that!

Straight after the power walk i did the food shopping and had to carry 4 very heavy bags home and by the end of that i was feeling quite sick and im not sure why.

Had a cup of tea and had a rest then had lunch and decided to do my Jillian Michaels Body revolution workout (workout3 & 4) I got 20mins into workout 3 then started to slightly feel sick again. Also really tired and i cant be arsed to do this today mood.

So i turned off the workout put away my weights and had another cup of tea.

Im usually really good and get on with my workouts with no trouble but sometimes a mood like this will hit me and i think today its better not to argue with it and not push through it.

I did do alot of extra reps with the weights yesterday and my arms are aching alot today so maybe its better to give the weights a miss today and let myself rest. I did do my cardio this morning so its not a complete loss ๐Ÿ™‚

And i might even have a walk this evening.

More reps!

So today i did a 4.40 mile power walk in the morning as we are feeding some friends cats while there on holiday and i decided to walk to there house and back! I really enjoyed the walk and realised im getting faster at it! Also i feel alot of tonning going on on my bum and hips now while im doing it.ย ย 

And have noticed changes and weightloss on my hips as i have said before ๐Ÿ™‚

Lunch i had salad and turkey minced meat! god how i love minced turkey right now nom nom!

In the afternoon i did my P90X weights workouts shoulders, chest and triceps! I decided to do more reps this time as i wanted to feel the workout more in my arms if you know what i mean. And i really need to work hard on my triceps as thats a problem area for me!

My arms were shaking by the end of it and i could barely lift the weights to do the last tricep exercises lol

My afternoon snack was two boiled eggs ๐Ÿ™‚

I really feel like i should keep moving even in the afternoon its hard to sit still! I find myself sorting out the dishes or running around with the cat lol my energy level is way up ๐Ÿ™‚


Previous Older Entries

by Rochelle Del Borrello


Training for my first half marathon

The Scribbler

The life and times of a writer, runner and triathlete